ITV/G 通用工业电视系统是用以实现生产质量监视、安全防范监控的有效方式。通过其外设遥控摄像机及其辅助设备,可有效地对工业厂区各个质量监测点和安全事故频发区或民用生活区的各个安全隐患点进行统一监测,并有效地汇集到多画面监视屏上,便于用户实现产品质量自动化管理和生产安全事故预防。
The system can effectively monitor production quality and preventive measures for safety. With the external remote control cameras and its auxiliary parts, it effectively monitors each quality monitoring area and areas where accidents happen frequently in the industrial plant, as well as the potential hazard points in civilian area. Besides, it displays what it monitors in a screen with multiple windows so as to enable the clients to realize quality auto-management of the product and to prevent safety accidents during production.
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